Dear partners,
We write constantly about prayer and we frequently thank you for your giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Here is some info that is important for you to consider as you pray about your financial gift to this year's offering:
Global population …………………………………………7.0 billion
Population of unreached people groups with limited
or no access to the Gospel …………………………….....3.9
billion people
Number of Southern Baptist missionaries currently
serving overseas with IMB …………………………..….. 4,854
(* Plus their approx. 4,000 children)
Number of countries in which they are working ……….….. 134
Number of people groups currently being engaged
by IMB missionaries ……………………………………. 874
people groups
Number of people groups currently being engaged
that do not have Scripture in their language
(“Bible-less people groups”) …………………………… 204
people groups
Your giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for
international missions is what enables our work to continue. Without your support,
we, and all of your Southern Baptist missionaries, would not be able to serve,
and the people groups among whom we serve might not otherwise currently have
the opportunity to hear the Gospel. There are many more missionaries waiting to
be sent out. Please pray about giving even more this year to the Lottie Moon
Christmas Offering for international missions through your church or through , so that the many people groups
among whom we serve, as well as those who are still waiting, will hear the Good
Our prayer is that your gift to this year's offering would show that you are 'Totally His!'
Our prayer is that your gift to this year's offering would show that you are 'Totally His!'
Jeff, Liesa, Haylee, and Jackson Holeman