Saturday, March 1, 2014

1 March 2014 Update!

Hello World!

We're still here in Oaxaca!  Sorry for the delay in updating but things have been a tad bit hairy.  Lots of great things going on and your prayers have been a huge part of that.  Here's some of the highlights:

  • The Father continues to open up some great opportunities among the M people.  This is one of our largest people groups and there are communities among them that have no access to the Gospel.  
  • There is a USA fellowship that is working among the CS people.  They have been welcomed by the people in the community but there are still some hoops to jump through with the local government leaders.
  • There is a USA fellowship working among the CO people and they have found a great need to train Christian leaders.  The Father has been working among these people for years and now there is a great opportunity for these small groups of believers to receive training and encouragement.
  • We have discovered several communities of our people groups who are living in different areas of the USA.  Recently an awesome missionary family came on board to lead the effort to begin making contact with these groups.  The nations are coming to the USA!
  • Our teammates are finishing up a story set in the Z language for one of our people groups.  This will allow them to hear stories from the Bible in their heart language.  Jenny and John have worked so hard on this project and now the Z people will have the Bible!
  • The CTM people group lives in Oaxaca and California.  The USA fellowship in California is seeking to plant fellowships in California and Mexico.   What an exciting vision!
Haylee and Jackson are busy with school and social life.  The big news is that their dental hardware has been removed and now we have million dollar smiles from both of them.  Their dental work began in Peru, continued with Dr. Rich Simpson in Flowood, MS and has been completed here in Oaxaca.

Liesa and Jeff have been busy and enjoying the work that the Father allows us to be a part of.  Your prayers are such an important part of what is going on down here in southern Mexico.  We see the results of your prayers every day!

We cannot write without bragging on our First Baptist Oxford folks!  Our home church has stepped up big time this year and given $102,000 to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering!  Their goal was a lofty $80,000 but they really put a hurting' on that goal.  Our call to missions came through this sweet fellowship of believers who are striving to make a difference from Oxford, MS.  Great work FBC!

Of course, you know we're going to be working with students/young adults wherever we are and this semester is no different!  Nathan, Holly, Heather, and JD (from FBC Oxford!) are working hard and are adjusting to life in Mexico.  They are focused on building relationships and improving their language skills right now and are making amazing progress.  A cool part of all of this is that Sarah (one of our teammates from last semester) came back this semester to help get the 'newbies' headed in the right direction.  We love Sarah!  AND, the Lord has brought us two young Mexican partners who are such a big help and have quickly become a part of our missionary family!

We have another round of training that you can be involved in right there in the comfort of your home!  PartnerConnect On-line Missions Training begins on Thursday, March 6 at 7 pm Mississippi Time.  Click HERE to register for this FREE training.  You may never leave the USA but this training can help you understand how to pray and be a part of sending.  If you are a person who is a 'Missions Go-er' then this training will be invaluable.  So sign up and be a part!

And, if you know of some young adults who would like to join our Hands On team during the Fall of 2014 please send them to us.  Click HERE for more information!

Here are some updated prayer requests for you to add to your list!  Thanks for being a part of the team!
  1. Transitions!  Liesa and Jeff have been asked to take on a huge task with the IMB.  Will you pray for wisdom and discernment for them?  Pray for the great team of missionaries that they will be leading in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.
  2. Haylee!  The 'Where to go to college' decision is coming soon.  Will you pray for wisdom for Haylee (and us!) and for the resources to be provided (think scholarships!) for her.
  3. Pray for Nathan, Jd, Heather, and Holly.  They are only here for 120 days and they have a deep desire to be difference makers.  Pray for them to develop relationships, to stay focused, to stay healthy, and to walk daily with Jesus.
  4. Pray for SRBC from Georgia who will be coming on a research trip soon.
  5. Pray for CSBC from South Carolina who will be leading a training for pastors/church leaders in just a few days.  Pray for Randy as he leads this team.
  6. Pray for SDBC from Florida who will be arriving soon to work among their people.
  7. Pray for CPC from Florida who will sending a Vision Team to explore a new area.
  8. Pray for UBC as they send a team to continue building relationships among their people.
  9. Pray for our 2014 Summer Student Team: Bailey, Bryce, Davinity, Drew, Jennifer, Lauren, Michelle, Natasha, and Rachel.  We are super excited about this crew coming to Oaxaca this summer.
  10. Pray for these folks coming down in the next few months to serve in Oaxaca: Ole Miss BSU, Central Baptist (Wendell, NC), Springdale Baptist (Kosciusko, MS), First Baptist (Oxford, MS), Ronnie and Diane Conner (North Oxford Baptist, Oxford, MS).
Thank you for your prayers and your partnership!  Thank you for giving to send us through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

Until they all hear...
Jackson, Haylee, Liesa, and Jeff

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