We've had a great week here in Peru.
The best...
- Haylee had another GREAT report from her rheumatologist. Her numbers continue to show progress as she continues to fight Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. Her doctor has again decreased her medication. Thank you for your prayers. Continue to pray for healing.
- March has been such a busy month but God has been working. We saw the start of a new church and there are several more Bible study groups meeting who are almost ready to start their own churches. Please continue to pray for opportunities to make disciples here in Peru.
- Fish Robinson and the crew from North Oxford Baptist Church returned to Peru! I wish all student teams were this easy to work with. Although they did not need our help, Liesa and Jeff tagged along with this team. It was so encouraging to be with them and see how a properly prepared and trained team can be so effective in cross-cultural ministry. Great Job Fish!
- JAY COOK was here. Jay was here from Argentina for some meetings and we were able to have him with us here at our house for a couple of days and then spend a lot of time with him during the week. Jay is one of those guys who is walking with Jesus and you just want to always be around him. Thanks for hanging with us, Jay.
- Liesa was able to attend meetings this week to get great information for use in Community Transformation Training. Basically, she learned some new ways to use Health Strategies to open the doors for church planting.
- Our Stateside Assignment is scheduled for June 25, 2011 to January 5, 2012. We'll be living in Brandon, MS in the missionary home of Crossgates Baptist Church. Liesa and Jeff will also be serving at Mississippi College as 'Missionaries in Residence'. We are excited about the opportunity to serve and disciple students while on stateside.
- We've had great news about future workers who will come to Peru to fill in the gaps left by personnel who are finishing up their terms. Please pray for them as they prepare to arrive in Peru in August.
- Jackson had serious thoughts about working on his research paper. Hey, it's a big deal for us! Now, if we could just follow-through. :-)
Prayer Requests...
- Pray for the future. Big decisions must be made soon about where God will have us working. We are trusting God to show us His Plan and we're trusting YOU to be praying.
- Continue to pray for Haylee and Jackson. They are doing great because of the prayers of so many!
- Pray for our teammate Amber Smith who will be finishing up her journeygirl term on April 20. Pray for her as she seeks God's Will about the future.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support of the work of missionaries around the world through your giving to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
Jeff, Liesa, Haylee, and Jackson.