Friday, April 15, 2011

15 April 2011 Update!

Prepared for Promises Kept.

Our family devotions this week have been in the book of Joshua. This morning we read through Joshua 23 as Joshua is preparing the people of Israel for the end of his life. His passionate words for his people are powerful. He reminded them that God had kept EVERY single promise He made to His people. Joshua forcefully made the case that God was GOING TO KEEP EVERY single promise in the future. And Joshua presented the people of Israel with a way to prepare for 'promises kept': OBEY.

Do exactly what God had asked them to do.

Simple instructions. Cling tightly to God. Be very careful to love your Heavenly Father.

When we were wrestling with the decision to obey God and leave the USA to serve as cross-cultural missionaries we searched for many ways to get out of this responsibility. But, the 'promises kept' always were staring us in the face.

Us: "God, how will we live?" His response; "I've always taken care of that."
"God, how will our families react?" "I've always taken care of that."
"God, how will our children be affected?" "I've always taken care of that."

'Promises kept' is the character of God. He cannot do anything else but keep promises. We know that tomorrow God will keep all of His promises. The rest of our tomorrows will be the same.

Will we be prepared? We will NOT be prepared if we do not obey. Joshua reminded the people of Israel that if they were disobedient they would not be able to enjoy the 'promises kept.' Oh, the 'promises kept' will continue to come. But, the BIG consequence of disobedience is an inability to enjoy the kept promises. Disobedience causes broken fellowship with the Father. Broken fellowship with the Father brings long days to the life of a follower of Christ. A Christian without the ability to enjoy 'promises kept' is no longer a devoted follower but a deceived fugitive longing to return home.

We want to always be prepared for God to keep His promise. He's promised to bring people from 'every nation and tribe, people and language' before His throne one day. He's promised to bring light to the darkness and set the captives free.

Jesus is the ultimate 'promise kept.' The wages of sin are paid. He lived and died and rose so that we can enjoy the promises of God.

The Holy Spirit gives us the power to obey. We can't do it on our own. Joshua reminded his people of that very fact. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can live in hope and confidence. We CAN obey. We CAN be prepared for the 'promises kept' that are coming.

Please pray that we will be obedient, 'not turning to the right or left,' so that we will be prepared to show others the Promised One.

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